Hi, I’m nyoka eden.

The most important thing I could ever possibly convey about myself is that I genuinely love humanity.

I am, quite literally, in it for the people. I may tire from time to time of speaking, but I never tire of the absolutely remarkable people I have the privilege to connect with through my work.

Personal study takes up a large majority of my time, but I am a true extrovert in the sense that I am energized and invigorated by human beings.

Human beings have the capacity to know far more than we have been led to believe.

My work is paving the way for the realization in real time that we are not only capable of knowing beyond the limits both we ourselves and society have dictated—but that we are only truly alive when we are living in light of this fact.

I’ve been studying classical esoteric literature and spirituality in the broadest sense of the word for over twenty years.

I began offering my services as an Intuitive Consultant a little over a decade ago and as of 2023 have expanded into teaching classes for general audiences as well as private classes.

I’m a mother of a spunky, sweet and outright hilarious two-year old, and a grateful partner to my best friend and the only person whose love for and devotion to rap and hip-hop culture has rivaled my own.

When I’m not working, you can find me in a coffee shop reading Rachel Cusk or in a passionate conversation about cinema with a stranger.

I’m also a published writer of poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me.

I would be so delighted to learn more about you!

make it real

  • Proper education is a must— but the practical application of what we learn is more important. I am a results-based provider.

    The focus should always center on "How will this affect my experience in my everyday life?"

    Transformation (and life itself if we're being completely honest) does not have to be so hard.

    Challenging at times? Absolutely, by design.

    Hard? Not necessarily, by choice.

  • I am a real human being motivated above all to connect and invest in the well-being of other real human beings.

    As knowledgeable and philosophically-minded as I am, I have a very down-to-earth communication style.

    'Make it make sense' is the most important part of my job.

  • Add and let dissolve, never take away.

    This philosophy is truly at the core of how I work with individuals to shape their life, by way of deep self-involvement, until it reflects the truth of who they are and what they value.

    Evolving involves eliminating, in the words of Erykah Badu, yet the way we typically go about eliminating undesirable things in our lives is often unsuccessful, and inspires shame, guilt, frustration, new addictions, and generally more problems in the process even if it appears we have succeeded.

    The Additive Approach I teach, tried and true, dictates that if we add with precision, honesty, and consistency more of what matters most, what no longer serves us fades out naturally by way of the Law of Resonance.

My Approach

A spiritually informed society is a sovereign society. We cannot change ourselves nor the world we live in to reflect harmony and soul-level satisfaction without a correct understanding of the spiritual realms from which all things originate. I am committed to the life-long pursuit of providing genuine spiritual education and thereby advocating for and investing in the future I want to see. I bring ancient wisdom to modern individuals who are here to bring it up to the times with the incredible lives they lead.

Precision is the new spirituality

Everything in existence has a spiritual origin.

When we cultivate a rich spiritual life in which we are always in intimate connection with this truth, we naturally come fully into the process of evolution and begin to allow our innate divinity to dictate the direction we are taking.

If we aren't operating from the source, precision is not an option.

I am here to guide the courageous, the open-hearted, and the true through their unique evolutionary arc.

Creativity is the outgrowth of multidimensionality

The faculties we possess for art are inherently spiritual by nature.

When we nourish our creative impulses, we nourish all of creation.

This is why you will always find a creative element instilled in every facet of my work.

It is one of the most joyful experiences a human being can have, to be immersed in creation.

At the end of the day, what we all truly desire is more creative freedom in the form our lives are taking— this is at the heart of what I teach.